Our careers education is mapped against the Gatsby Benchmarks. We are proud that we achieve all 8 Benchmarks at 100%. We additionally plan our CEIAG against the CDI career development framework and the Skills Builder Universal Framework (as shown below) . All pupils from Year 7 through to Year 13 , are exposed to many aspects of careers. Examples could be through normal curriculum time and wider additional activities including during PD time, themed assemblies, targeted careers workshops, employer, further and higher education visits and themed weeks including national careers and apprenticeships weeks.
We subscribe to My Path unlimited and we use their careers resources, lesson plans and enterprise days as part of our careers planning. We are proud to be supported by a wide variety of partners and in 2023/2024 we engaged with over 100 different partners and delivered over 100 different careers activities. Each year our careers activities can vary depending on any new schemes and initiatives which are introduced.