Headteachers’ Welcome
Welcome to Chase Terrace Academy! We have high expectations for all of our pupils, and strive for our values to be lived out by all who work and learn here: to be respectful, community focused, tenacious and aspirational.
Chase Terrace Academy is a school that has its community at its heart. The Governing Body and staff team work in partnership with our families and our local community to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils.
Success may look different for each of our children but, whatever the goal, the ambition is the same. All pupils are given the same opportunities within our curriculum and are challenged to immerse themselves in all areas of school life.
The school is highly focused on achieving strong academic and personal outcomes for all pupils through rigorous challenge and support, resulting in excellent progression into higher education, training and employment. Progress of our pupils is strong, and pupils achieve well here.
Our inclusive ethos creates a well-ordered, highly supportive and respectful learning environment, where diversity is celebrated, and pupils are treated as individuals. Relationships across our school community are an important part of our school life.
The Sixth Form is a strong feature within our school’s provision and our sixth formers are great role models for our younger pupils, providing a significant contribution to school life. Many of our pupils choose to stay with us into sixth form and benefit from our strong progression route through a seven-year curriculum model, which has been planned to suit the aspirations of our learners.
Chase Terrace Academy has excellent working relationships with a broad range of local and national businesses, employers and other agencies. These partnerships enable pupils to understand the needs of employers, putting into context what they are learning. Furthermore, it facilitates us to play an active role in brokering work-related training for the wider community, including through the use of our CATCH (community) Hub. The CATCH Hub has been created by staff and pupils, and is run by sixth form pupils to provide support from our Food Bank, cooking supplies and advice, stationary and uniform supplies.
We hope that our website gives you a sense of what our school is all about. There is however, no substitute for seeing the school for yourself, and we would be delighted to show you around. Our staff and pupils are very proud of our school and our partnership with John Taylor Multi Academy Trust. We would welcome the opportunity for you to see them in action – the best advertisement we have.
Ms N Mason