
Pupil Guide to Revision at Chase Terrace Academy

Thorough preparation for final examinations is absolutely crucial if you are to achieve your full potential, whether it be for a Year 8 in-class assessment or a final GCSE or A-Level examination.

It takes time to develop revision techniques and it is really important that we all review the impact of revision strategies after each period of assessment. As you work towards your final examinations at both GCSE and A-Level, it is especially useful to apply the whole-school learning process: know, do, review.

Another way to think of it is prepare it, learn it, test it

Prepare your materials by doing something with your notes, learn the information, then test that you have understood it

  • What do you need to know?
    • Plan your revision
    • What topics are you covering?
    • What are the key parts that will come up in the exam?
  • What will you do?
    • How will you actually revise: note taking, flashcards, mind maps?
    • How long will you revise for? Make it manageable
    • Where will you keep all of your revision materials? How will you make it easy to revisit them at a later date
  • How will you review your progress?
    • You need to check that the information has stuck and that you are able to recall it and apply it to an actual examination question
    • Will you use past papers, revision guide questions, or create your own quiz?

Throughout this page, you will see a range of resources to support you in preparing for mock and final examinations and it is hugely important that you take time to interact with these in order to improve your chances of success. The first group of files below will help you with general revision. The revision guide 2024 document is a detailed guide which explains the best way to go about a range of revision strategies. The more revision methods booklet provides a range of alternative strategies to use when revising so that you can break things up a little bit. The Intervention Timetable is a great way to enhance your learning by attending additional sessions.

As part of the planning process there are some key things that you need to make sure that you do. Little and often is always best. You need to plan your revision so that it is in 30-40 minute sessions. You also need to build in breaks so that you can keep fresh. Avoiding revising late at night is also a good strategy. Please work through the revision guide to get more guidance on the best approaches to use.

There are a number of websites that you can also visit to support your along the way. Some help with planning and others help with preparing resources. Click on the links below for some of the best ones:

You can also got to Show my Homework and GCSE Pod for tailored activities set by your teachers to help you prepare for the examinations. Revision guides can also be a useful tool to help prepare for exams, however, if you want to use these, make sure that you get the right one for the specification that you’re studying.

Exams can be a stressful time and you will be under pressure when it comes to the final series and you have two exams one day after another. The first thing is to not panic; everyone experiences stress in these kinds of situations. Knowing how to recognise the signs is the first step in successfully tackling this. After that you need to know how to manage it and where to get help if it becomes a real problem. As always your teachers and the Year Office can help, alternatively, there are helplines which can be accessed via the websites below. Follow the links below for some further advice on dealing with exam-related stress:

Current information

Please click on the links below to access information regarding current examinations:

Individual Subject Revision Documents

GCSE History Revision – 2022

A Level British History Resources

History – A Level Italy and Fascism resources

Sixth Form Open Evening - Wednesday 6th November, 6-8pm