GCSE Options 2024-2026

GCSE Options 2024-2026

This is an exciting time for your child, as they select the subjects they will study and gain qualifications for in Years 10 and 11.

These are important decisions and we recommend that they take time to think carefully about their choices and you have regular discussion at home and engage in all of the advice and support sessions that we will provide.

Students should consider future career choices and aspirations when making their choices and make sure that they do not limit their options later on.

There are 2 curriculum pathways for students (E and T) and they will be allocated their pathway depending upon prior attainment and application across Key Stage 3. We are ambitious for all of our students and we use pathways to ensure that students are guided towards the most suitable courses for them to maximise their success across Key Stage 4.

There will be an information evening for you and your child where staff will go through what the options process entails. This will take place in school on Monday 5th February 2024 at 5pm. There will be a short presentation to explain the process and then an opportunity to speak with different subject leads about their course offering.

To support you in making choices, please find below a link to our Options Booklet which has information about each of the subjects offered this year.

Options Booklet 2024-26

Your child will have assemblies week commencing 5th February every day from subject heads.

Your child will receive the options form on Thursday 8th February 2024 via their school email and your child must submit their proposed choices by Friday 23rd February.

Once all option choices are received, students will have a short interview, which you are free to attend with them, with a senior member of staff to go through their choices and ensure that they are clear about them before confirming. Interviews are likely to take place between 4th March and 18th March.

Once all of the interviews have taken place, the timetable is constructed and your child will then be notified of their final options in the summer term.

It is important to note that whilst every effort is made to accommodate all students’ first choices, there are limited numbers on some courses and some students may receive their reserve. This will be explained during the information evening.

KS4 Subjects

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