

The Summer 2024 exam series will run from Thursday 9th May to Friday 21st June. Some vocational qualifications may have assessments which take place outside of this main exam window. Further details regarding examination arrangements will be sent out in a letter. Please note that the contingency dates for the 2024 examinations are Thursday 6th and Thursday 13th June in the afternoon only and Wednesday 26th June all day. The contingency days are for use in the event of national or significant local disruption to exams in the UK.

Information regarding our Results Days can be found here.

If you would like further information about individual subject areas, please visit the link to the appropriate examination board below:

Pearson Edexcel

Pupils will have assemblies to support the revision process and will be provided with their full timetable. Further information on revision can be found here: https://chaseterraceacademy.co.uk/school-life/revision/

It is also absolutely vital that all students familiarise themselves with the information on the JCQ website regarding examination procedure and conduct. This can be found at the following link: https://www.jcq.org.uk/exams-office/information-for-candidates-documents/

Please click this link to find information regarding Examination Results Days 2024