Due to a large number of staff out of school as a result of being contacted by track and trace, we have taken the difficult decision to close school at the end of the summer term today (15/7/21) for pupils. There will be online lessons provided tomorrow (Friday) by staff who are in school. Please check Satchel One for work for your child to complete tomorrow. We have also had six positive lateral flow device/PCR tests reported to us today. One case is in year 7, two in year 8, two in year 10 and one in year 12. Due to the significant impact this has on families when children are identified as a contact, especially so close to your holiday period, we do not want to risk any further disruption to you and your families. I hope that you understand the genuine reasons for our concerns and our actions. May I take this further opportunity to wish you a restful and enjoyable summer with your friends and families and I look forward to a more normal academic year for us all next year.
With kindest regards,
Ms Mason and the team at CTA.