A Change of Plan.
The planned return to school has once more thrown us a curve ball with the nation moving into Lockdown for a second time. Our foodbank supplies were depleted after our foodbank morning in December and we were wondering how on earth we could keep this initiative running. The Christmas period was spent sending letters to local businesses, creating new connections and contacting the Chase Terrace Community via our school Facebook and Twitter accounts. Yet again, our Chase Terrace family has already made the most amazing response to our food plea. Our children may not be in school, but a number of you have taken time out of your day to drop an anonymous donation just inside the double doors of our main reception. In addition, staff, from our school, brought in carrier bags full of food and dropped these off as we all returned on Monday morning this week. Thank you.
We would like to thank The House of Bread who made a wonderful donation, that Miss Vivian Collected on Wednesday this week. Her car was full to the brim of tea, coffee, rice, to name but a few of the items that were gifted. As we write this update we have just received an extremely substantial food delivery from the Vicar of St John’s Church in Heath Hayes. The support in Chase Terrace and its surrounding areas is really quite over whelming, but long may it continue.
Our first parcels for collection and delivery will take place on Friday 8th January.
Moving Forward:
Chase Terrace Academy foodbank is currently a necessity to our Chase Terrace Families, especially with the new Lockdown in place. Some of you may now be shielding or furloughed again and need a little extra help at this time. Our intention has altered as the government goalposts change. We would, if at all possible, like to run this enterprise through to the end of the Lockdown period. The success of this will be facilitated by the continuation of your kindness and generosity.
Below is a list of the basic items that we are in need of:
- UHT milk
- Squash
- Pasta sauces
- Tinned fruit and vegetables
- Tinned meat/ fish/protein
- Wraps or bread that has a long shelf life.
- Crisps/biscuits
- Fresh fruit and vegetables (on Thursdays only)
- Shampoo and toilet rolls
- Household cleaning products.
It is most important that those families who are need contact the school. We have a good selection of items and your calls are confidential.
If you require a parcel please contact us on:
Email: office@chaseterraceacademy.co.uk
Phone: 01543 682286