We are thrilled to share the focus of our assemblies this week, where we’ve put the spotlight on our Pupil Leadership team.
At Chase Terrace Academy, we believe in empowering our pupils to take an active role in shaping our school community, and today’s assembly emphasized just that. Our aim? To create a brilliant school environment where every pupil feels valued, heard, and happy.
Our Pupil Leadership Team representatives collaborate with members of seven fantastic committees, each dedicated to making positive changes in various aspects of school life:
– Community and Charity
– Diversity and Inclusion
– Sports
– Facilities
– Wellbeing and Values
– Teaching and Learning
– Prefects
These committees are working relentlessly to build the integrity of our school and create a supportive, inclusive, and vibrant community for all of us.
In this week’s assemblies, pupils were inspired by a powerful video clip from entrepreneur and BBC Dragon Steve Bartlett’s podcast: ‘Diary of a CEO’, reminding us of the potential we have as individuals and as a team to bring about positive change by embracing core values.
Already, our Pupil Leadership Team have taken significant steps forward improving school life for all pupils, including improving site security, enhancing our catering services by exploring a new partnership with AGM Catering, boosting LGBTQ+ Awareness, and introducing exciting lunchtime activities.
Miss H Pickerill, head of the Pupil Leadership Team, said: ‘The Pupil Leadership team is integral to school life at Chase Terrace Academy. They represent the voices of our pupils and make great efforts to make our school a happy and safe place for all. The assemblies taking place this week are a great way to spread awareness of the amazing work that the team and their linked committees do. Our Year 7 assembly was focused upon recruiting new members for our ever-growing team! I am excited to see the exciting things planned over the next academic year take place.’
Our school values: respect, community, tenacity, and aspiration are at the heart of everything we do. Together, we will continue to make a difference, not only within our school walls but also in the wider community.
#pupilleadership #respectthectaway #respect #community #tenacity #aspiration