Recently, pupils in Years 7-12 who have shown an interest in exploring careers in psychology had a wonderful opportunity. They attended a special presentation by Chloe Pickerill, a current Masters student in Psychology at Keele University.
Chloe generously offered her time to share her journey, providing valuable insights and advice about things she wishes she had known during her secondary school years. Her talk not only enlightened our pupils about the study of Psychology but also highlighted the vast array of opportunities the field offers.
Mrs J Poppleton, Director of Careers, said: “I want to extend a huge thank you to Chloe for giving up her time to visit us at CTA. This was an incredibly valuable session for our pupils who had a fascinating insight into the world of Psychology and the huge amount of opportunities and careers which it can give you’’
A big thank you to Chloe for inspiring our pupils and helping them envision a future in psychology!
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