As technology forms an integral part of our lives, it is incredibly important for our pupils to have a firm understanding of how to safely and appropriately use this technology and how to respond to incidents.
Parents and carers should also have a good understanding of the platforms being used, the nature of communication taking place and take an interest in their child’s internet usage.
Pupils are taught e-safety principles in an open and supportive setting from Year 7; this topic is revisited continuously through their time at school.
If any pupil or parent/carer has any concerns relating to pupil’s internet activity, they can contact the relevant year office or a member of our safeguarding team.
Some of the dangers that young people face online include:
These dangers include:
- viewing unsuitable content e.g. hate material, adult content, sites that endorse unhealthy behaviour
- giving out personal information
- arranging to meet an online ‘friend’
- becoming involved in, or the victim of, bullying, identity theft, or making and sending indecent or illegal images
- spending too much time online (internet addiction), which can effect concentration, sleep and health
- copying information from the Internet or buying work from other people to use as their own.
There are a number of schemes currently running in the UK that aim to help parents/carers to understand the risks involved in using modern media – these include:
Think U Know is a scheme that highlights the importance of online safety and promotes use of the “Report Abuse” button to report illegal or inappropriate online behaviour. The website is designed to be accessible and friendly for young people.
Click Clever, Click Safe is a campaign run by the Government and the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS). It helps young people and their families to enjoy the internet safely. To help you and your children avoid common risks online, visit their website for more information.
Mobile Phones in School
Mobile phones are not allowed in school. They must be kept in bags or lockers during the day.
If contact needs to be made between a pupil and their parent/carer during the day, it should be made through the relevant year office.
Mobile Phone Safety Advice
- Only give your mobile number to your friends and people that you trust
- Don’t share it on social networking websites
- Don’t lend your phone to someone you don’t know or trust, or put it in a place where other people could get hold of it
- Lock your phone with a PIN code so if anyone steals your phone they won’t be able to use it
- Switch off location sharing, including tagged locations in social media posts
- Always check your privacy settings on applications you use on your mobile phone as sometimes these will be different to when you use websites online
- Make sure iCloud/Google Drive (or any cloud storage) is protected with strong passwords and multi-factor authentication