We hope our families have had a wonderful summer break. As we approach the start of the new academic year, we would like to share our return-to-school arrangements.
All pupils will return to school on Wednesday, 4th September 2024 and should access the school grounds via the pupil entrance on Bridge Cross Road only. Please be aware that, for safety and safeguarding reasons, the back gate on Lulworth Road will no longer be in use before school. Pupils will still be able to exit the site using this gate at the end of the school day.
We will be having a staggered start to ensure a smooth transition:
– Our new Year 7 pupils are expected to arrive at 8:30 am. They will be collected by a member of staff at the school gate and escorted to the Year 7 courtyard. All Year 7 Personal Development tutors will then gather their pupils and take them to their Personal Development (form) rooms. Timetables will be issued, uniform checks explained, and the morning will include icebreaker activities, a tour of the school, and an assembly.
– Pupils in all other year groups are expected to arrive at 9:30 am. They should proceed to their Personal Development room to receive their timetable and attend an assembly. Breaktime will follow as normal, with the usual lessons and school structure resuming thereafter.
Year 12 pupils are expected to arrive for 8:30am and Year 13 pupils are expected to arrive for 9:30am. Pupils should report to the Sixth Form study room upon their arrival.
We look forward to seeing all of our pupils and embarking on another fantastic school year together!
#RespecttheCTAWay #Community #Tenacity #Aspiration