

At Chase Terrace Academy we aspire for all of our students to achieve greater things than they ever thought possible. 

We pride ourselves on being a warm and welcoming school that places community at the heart of everything we do. Our ambitious curriculum is enriching and inclusive, providing challenge and breadth for all. This empowers our students to become compassionate, confident and creative individuals who are resilient, respectful and equipped with a desire to take up a fulfilling role in society and the wider world.

In History we aspire to provide outstanding lessons for our students that inspire them and instil in them the sense of community that is at the heart of the Chase Terrace Academy ethos. History is a subject that can help to develop this sense of community as it is a study of our shared past. We feel that it is vital that students have the opportunity to learn about how our country and communities were formed and shaped. Students experience a wide range of lesson topics and activities that cater for all learners’ needs, and aim to push and challenge each and every student. At the heart of all we do is the aim to inspire a lifelong love of history and learning. Our aim of providing outstanding lessons also helps us to prepare students in the best ways possible to gain valuable qualifications that will benefit their futures.

Specifically, this is implemented in our curriculum as we take our students on a journey of the past by studying history from a chronological perspective, with an emphasis on identifying significant events in local, then British, and finally world history that have shaped the world we inhabit today. Our ethos for students that we want to imbed going forward is: “connecting to the past so that they can help to shape the future.” Our Key Stage 3 curriculum therefore covers aspects of the Ancient Period, through to the Dark and Middle Ages, Medieval and Modern Period – establishing the building blocks of a good historical understanding, in preparation for GCSE, A-Level and life beyond as a historian. Here, students have an opportunity to study not only local history, but also the interplay between British and world-changing events.

Going forward long term, we want to ensure all students have the substantive and disciplinary knowledge needed to achieve more than they ever thought possible in history, and this will be achieved by interweaving both aspects of the subject together.

Curriculum Overview

Year 7Curriculum Implementation plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1a – History Skills Saxons and Hoard
Term 1b – Battle of Hastings
Term 2a – Norman Conquest
Term 2b – Development of Castles
Term 3a – Medieval Society
Term 3b – Medieval Warfare
Year 8Curriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1a – Reign of Henry VIII
Term 1b – Reign of Elizabeth I
Term 2a – English Civil War
Term 2b – Restoration Revolution Renaissance Empire
Term 3a – The Slave Trade
Term 3b – The Industrial Revolution
Year 9Curriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1a – Golden Age Britain Causes of WWI
Term 1b – World War I
Term 2a – Interwar Years Rise of Nazis
Term 2b – Holocaust World War II
Term 3a – The Cold War
Term 3b – Protests Terrorism Days that Shook the World
Year 10Curriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1A, 1B, 2A
Ancient and Islamic Medicine
Medieval Medicine
Renaissance Medicine
18th-19th Century Medicine
Modern Medicine
Term 2B, 3A, 3B
Causes of WW1
WW1 Stalemate
Ending the War
Year 11Curriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1A and 1B
The Kaisers Germany and WW1
The Weimar Republic
Hitler and the rise of the Nazis
Life in Nazi Germany
Term 2A and 2B
Elizabeth and her Government
Life in the Elizabethan times
Troubles at Home and Abroad
Sixth Form (Year 12 and 13) (Outgoing) Curriculum Implementation Plan – Year 12
Curriculum Implementation Plan – Year 13
Knowledge Organisers – Year 12 and 13
British History, 1603-1702
Unit 1 – Monarchy and Parliament, 1603-29
Unit 2 – Pt1 Road to Revolution, 1629-1642
Unit 2 – Pt2 Revolution – English Civil War, 1642-1649
Unit 3 – Interregnum, 1649-1660
Unit 4 – The Restoration, 1660-78
Unit 5 – Exclusion and Absolutism, 1678-1688
Unit 6 – William III, 1688-1702
Italy and Fascism
Unit 1 – Liberal Italy From Unification to Crisis, 1870-1900
Unit 2 – Collapse of Lib Italy and rise of Mussolini, 1915-22
Unit 3 – Mussolini and establishment of Fascist Italy, 1922-26
Unit 4 – Fascist Society, 1926-1940
Unit 5 – Fascist Foreign Policies
Unit 6 – Fascist Italy and war
Sixth Form – Year 12 and Year 13 NEWCurriculum Implementation Plan – Year 12
Curriculum Implementation Plan – Year 13
Knowledge Organisers – Year 12 and 13
Key Issue 1- The establishment of the Weimar Republic
Key Issue 2-The ‘Golden Age’ of the Weimar Republic
Key Issue 3- The Collapse of Democracy
Key Issue 4- The Nazi Dictatorship
Key Issue 5- The Racial State
Key Issue 6- The Impact of War
1. Henry VII, 1485-1509
2. Henry VIII, 1509-1547
3. Instability and Consolidation
4. The Triumph of Elizabeth

Please click here for more information about Year 6 Transition