At Chase Terrace Academy we are committed to enabling all students to reach their full potential. We recognise that in today’s challenging school setting some students may require additional support with recognising and reaching their aspirational academic and personal goals.
The purpose of the Raising Students’ Achievement Programme is to help enhance the progress made by students in Key Stage 4 and to widen their experiences in school through a tailored programme of support and extra-curricular activities. The Programme aims to support the students in becoming confident, independent and successful young people.
What is the Raising Students’ Achievement Programme?
A programme which runs during year 10 and 11 for a small group of people (approximately 30 in each year group). They are identified by Heads of Year/subject teachers and tutors as those who may benefit from additional attention to reach their potential.
Key features include:
- Weekly breakfast club meetings held during tutor time – themes include motivation, revision advice, study skills and subject specific sessions with Heads of Departments
- Weekly lunchtime meetings to check on wellbeing and progress
- Individual or group support for subject specific needs through 6th form tutoring e.g. maths mentoring, science mentoring
- A focus on careers and raising aspirations with talks from external speakers and key staff within school
- Half-termly extra-curricular activities and opportunities including fitness activities, crafts and a “Bake Off” challenge
- A rewards trip (attendance and behaviour permitting)
- Support from peers and staff in a safe environment
It is a privilege to be asked to join the Raising Students’ Achievement Programme and places are very much sought after.
For any further information about the Raising Students’ Achievement Programme, please contact:
Miss Cantwell via email: