What a fantastic and generous community Chase Terrace is!! Food and essential toiletry donations have continued to flood in. We have had to relocate our storage area to accommodate our new Chase Terrace Academy Foodbank. Thank you to the Site Team, the PE Department and Becky Bradford for helping with our move.
This week
Once again this week we have received over 25 full bags of donations from our local area. We have received single item donations up to a full bag of contributions that would be a normal family weekly shop. Although we would like to thank you all personally, it is impossible to do so… but THANK YOU so much, every item counts.
We would like to mention the Women’s Christian Union. (In memory of Jackie Frost) who presented parcelled up toiletry donations on Tuesday. These are ready to go out to families as soon as you contact us.

In addition Burntwood Businesses have donated £250 in vouchers that will be used to support our families.
Anne Mason, a Covid trained driver delivered parcels to local families for the first time on Friday. Thank you, we are really grateful as it is all hands on deck at school as you can imagine.
Achievement for All students remain focussed to organise donations into groups of foods and essentials so that it is easier to create food parcels. We are thrilled that some of our students can be involved.

Please keep sharing information about our foodbank from the school Twitter and Facebook account. These platforms are invaluable.
Looking at our shelves we would like to send out a plea for the following items:
- UHT milk
- Tea/ coffee/ squash
- Tinned meat/ fish/protein
- Fresh fruit and vegetables (on Thursdays only)
- Household cleaning products.
Thank you so much. Donations will continue to be received every morning of the week by the Dining Room entrance.
It is most important that those families who are in need contact the school. We have a good selection of items and your calls are confidential.
If you require a parcel please contact us on:
Email: office@chaseterraceacademy.co.uk
Phone: 01543 682286