Year 11 Mock Exam Timetable – Updated
There has been a change to the original date of the Year 11 mocks.
On Monday 23rd November, our Year 11 students will begin their mock examinations. The examination period will last for just under two weeks and students will sit full papers in almost all of their subjects.
The main focus of the mock examinations is to provide both students and staff with an indication of where good progress is being made and where further work is needed. Considering the disruption to our Year 11 students’ education over the last 6 months, and the fact that they did not have the opportunity to sit examinations at the end of year 10, these examinations present an excellent opportunity for everyone to review what needs to be done during the final few months of Year 11.
Students have had an assembly to provide further details on the examinations as well as some guidance on revision strategies. More information regarding the revision process can be found on the school website at www.chaseterraceacademy.co.uk Mock examination timetables have been given directly to the students.
We appreciate that many of our students will be apprehensive about sitting a full round of examinations, however, this provides an opportunity for them to undergo the preparation process and to experience an intensive period of exams.
All aspects of our Covid-19 risk assessment will continue to remain in place for students when they sit these examinations. Sanitiser will be used before and after examinations and only Year 11 students will be in the examination hall. Invigilators will be wearing full PPE and students will collect their own paper on entry to the hall and deposit it in a box on the way out. Students will also sit on the same chair and use the same desk for the duration of the exams.
Students will of course be supported in individual subject areas with specific revision activities and this work will be set through show my homework. The key thing for all students is that they plan their revision carefully using the guidance available on the school website. There is also a document which they can use to plan their revision. Some of the afternoon examinations will be completed before the end to the normal school day. Once these exams are finished, students will be free to leave the site. Please
note that there will be no school crossing support on the main road outside the school at this time, so students should take extra care if they need to cross the main road. Any students who get the bus home will be able to wait in the library until the end of the day.