High expectations run through all that we do at Chase Terrace Academy. We aim for all of our young people to get the very best outcomes at each stage of their education journey. We do recognise that some individuals require more support than others, however, the goal is for everyone to be the best that they can be every day.
Our specialist teachers in all subject areas use a range of approaches to teaching and learning to get the very best from pupils. All of our lessons are modelled around our ‘Know, Do, Review’ cycle which ensures that pupils get a consistent and high-quality experience in every lesson that they attend.
rom the start of their time with us, pupils are clear that we want the very best for them. They are given minimum expected grades in each of their subjects – these are aspirational indicators of the minimum level that they should be working at and are based on prior attainment and entry assessments. We expect all of our pupils to be working at this level and, eventually, exceed it.
Teachers use assessment more effectively to identify and address what pupils do not understand. This helps pupils to know and remember more. This means that pupils now achieve well.”
Ofsted, 2022

Pupils are supported in their progress through regular assessments in lessons. Assessment is also used as a teaching tool to teach pupils how to revise, how to structure extended pieces of writing, how to be resilient and how to be reflective learners. The independent study skills that pupils develop at Key Stage 3 facilitate success at Key Stage 4 and 5. Our expert subject staff are well prepared in supporting pupils when they prepare for final examinations. A number of our staff work with exam boards as markers; so that they can give pupils the best support and guidance possible as they work towards their end goal. We know that examinations are a daunting prospect for many, and we have firm plans in place to support our pupils as they work towards them. Sometimes, pupils will experience set-backs and require some additional support and guidance to revive their motivation through a comprehensive intervention programme.
Pupils know they are expected to do their best at Chase Terrace Academy.”
Ofsted, 2022
Our school boasts outstanding facilities designed to support all areas of the curriculum. We also offer additional opportunities to aid our pupils’ learning, including the highly successful ‘Accelerated Reader’ programme. Recognising the importance of reading across all subjects, this programme helps pupils develop and maintain the strong reading habits developed in primary school.