Please follow the links below to download the MyChildAtSchool App or access the website.

If you have any enquiries, please email
A full instructional guide for using the app can be found here:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I am not receiving messages on the MyChildAtSchool app
A: Please make sure that you have allowed push notifications from the app – you will be asked to provide this permission when you first install the app.
Q: I have been logged out of the app and I can’t log back in
A: Please use the lost password button; the school is not able to reset your password
Q: I receive a “user not found” error
A: Make sure that after registering, you are logging in from the login screen, not the redeem page.
Q: I am unable to login after setting up my password
A: Make sure that you are logging in with the username provided to you in the invitation email. Many phones will try to fill the username box with your email address automatically; this will not work! You can also try logging in to the website
Q: I have more than one child at the school, but can only see one in the app
A: Please let us know and we can fix this quickly – email
Q: A person that should have access to MyChildAtSchool has not been invited
A: MyChildAtSchool is only available to priority 1 and 2 contacts with parental responsibility. If you wish to make a change to this, please contact the school