Over the last 7 weeks, a group of our pupils have been attending First Aid lessons with Mrs. T Benton after school. We are thrilled to announce that they have become competent in the following life-saving areas:
- AED Use
- Recovery Position
- Scene Management
- Anaphylaxis Recognition and Treatment, including the use of an EpiPen
- Asthma Management
- Choking Procedures
- Bleeding Control
- Applying Dressings and Slings
- Handling Broken Bones
- Managing Fainting and Panic Attacks
We are incredibly proud to say that all pupils have successfully passed this comprehensive training!
Certificates were presented by Ms N Mason, Headteacher, and Mr M Newman, Deputy Headteacher, recognising their hard work and dedication.
A huge congratulations to all our newly certified first aiders! Your commitment to learning these essential skills is truly commendable.
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