After the school day had finished, a number of talented pupils had been hard at work rehearsing an original play centred around the theme of Order and Chaos, and it’s finally ready for its big debut at the Lichfield Garrick’s Ignite Festival tomorrow!
Jonny McClean, representative from the Lichfield Garrick Theatre, joined our rehearsals, witnessing first-hand the dedication and creativity our pupils bring to the stage.
Mrs D Maymand, Subject Lead for Drama, said “The process has been such an exciting journey for all involved. The project started in October with a group of pupils who has never worked together but shared a passion for theatre, now they are about to walk on stage and perform their own play to several hundred people! The piece really is pupil-led, it is based on their ideas, and each pupil has taken part in writing the script. Special mention must go to Max in year 12 who has written an original song for one of the scenes- who would have known the suffragettes could rap battle!”
Our pupils will be performing alongside three other schools tomorrow, Wednesday 24th April, tickets are available direct from The Lichfield Garrick.
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