Chase Terrace and the Burntwood community continue to pull together.
Food items, toiletries and cleaning products have continued to flood in this week. You have thought of everything!!! We have even received a small contribution of dog food, so if you have an animal and need some support please let us know so that we can get it to you. We do have a few baby product items too and would like to send these to a good home.
We received some fresh food which we were able to add to our parcels at the end of last week. It was lovely to hear from one parent that this was very, very much appreciated. Thank you to the Tonks family for sewing and selling masks and using the proceeds to buy fresh produce which was delivered to us this Thursday morning. The fruit and salad are an amazing addition to the parcels that we will be delivering.
We would like to mention and thank Tesco in Rugeley. Dave Burton the store manager, who has a daughter in Year 7 contacted us and delivered a significant food parcel on Tuesday evening with his daughter Savanah. Thank you.

We would also like to thank, a past pupil and store manager, Tracey Greatreax from The Coop Swan Island who contacted the school on Wednesday to offer support with food donations and essentials which we collected on Thursday morning.
Achievement for All students and students from our sixth form have packed and created parcels throughout the week. This week we will be sending out approximately twenty food packages to local families, which is double that of the previous seven days.
Looking at our shelves we would like to send out a plea for the following items:
- UHT milk
- Tea/ coffee/ squash
- Toilet rolls
- Tinned meat/ fish/protein
- Wraps/pitta breads/ part baked rolls
- Crisps
- Fresh fruit and vegetables (on Thursdays only)
- Household cleaning products.
We would like to thank everyone for the pasta donations. We now have enough pasta to last us until Christmas, although probably not enough sauces!
Thank you so much. Donations will continue to be received every morning of the week by the Dining Room entrance. They are becoming so important on the run up to Christmas.
It is most important that those families who are in need contact the school. We have a good selection of items and your calls will always be confidential.
If you require a parcel please contact us on:
Email: office@chaseterraceacademy.co.uk
Phone: 01543 682286
Christmas present donation appeal.
This week we would like to launch an appeal for Christmas presents. Our intention would be to collect presents for students between the ages of 5 and 16. We would wrap these and ensure that they all go to good homes. If you have anything that you can donate please ask your child to bring it to the Dining Hall, which is where we are also collecting food.
We ask that:
- The present has not been used before.
- Packaging is undamaged.
- Our students are happy to wrap all donated items.
Once again, thank you so much. Our Chase Terrace Family never ceases to amaze us.