It has been an amazing week with all of our pupils getting into the festive spirit for our House Competition! This time, the focus has been on unleashing creativity and spreading some holiday cheer by decorating Christmas Wreaths to deck out our classroom doors.

The competition was fierce, making it incredibly tough for our Pupil Leadership Team to choose the winners! After much deliberation, the results are in, and we’re thrilled to announce the triumphant forms: 7M, 8P, 9N, 10H, 11H, 12P! Each member of the winning form (per year group) received a chocolate treat and gained five house points each, with second place gaining 2 house points each and 3rd place gaining one house point each.

Every form put in an incredible effort, and the competition was tough! The Pupil Leadership Team had a real challenge on their hands picking the winners, and we appreciate the dedication and creativity from all form groups.
We’ve gathered some snapshots below of just some of the incredible wreaths for you to admire and enjoy.
A huge round of applause to every form for their hard work and dedication. Your festive spirit has truly lit up CTA this week!