Our Year 11 and Year 13 pupils braved the storm and successfully made it to London!
Day 1: Pupils visited Hampton Court, the home of Henry VIII, and the Tower of London, to support them with their GCSE and A-Level studies of Tudor history.
Day 2: Pupils visited the British Museum, examining artefacts from Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and more! Afterwards, they took in the hustle and bustle of Borough Market for some delicious street food before boarding the Golden Hind – a 16th century ship owned by Sir Francis Drake. Pupils took on the role of ‘sea dogs’ – in which they discussed battle tactics and prepared the canons! Pupils then took in the sights along the River Thames, including Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and the HMS Belfast, before visiting Covent Garden for some food and shopping!
Day 3: Pupils took in the City of London via a beautiful river cruise along the Thames. They then disembarked in Westminster, where they saw the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Here, our pupils enhanced their personal development by reflecting on Britain’s heroes both at home and abroad – including suffragist Millicent Fawcett and wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill. They then walked past the Cenotaph and Buckingham Palace, before undertaking a cross-curricular visit between History, Science and Geography via the Natural History Museum!
A huge thank you to our staff for organising this trip, we hope our pupils gained valuable insights for their studies and memories to last a lifetime!

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