Our Key Stage 3 pupils have been showcasing their incredible talent and passion for poetry in an inspiring competition. Through dedication and hard work, they’ve chosen poems, learned them by heart, and delivered captivating performances.
Pupils have been rehearsing each week to develop their understanding of poetry and performance and recently took part in CTA’s very own Poetry by Heart Competition, judged by CTA Governor, Mrs G Francis.
Mrs D Maymand, Subject lead for Performing Arts, said: “These pupils have shown resilience and tenacity in their approach to mastering their lines and developing performance skills. It was a delight to watch the poetry come alive and the storytelling capture the audiences imagination”
The selected pupils will now move forward to film their entries, ready to compete in the national Poetry by Heart Competition.
Congratulations to Ben, Androniki, Lucie, Leigha and Mariama for your hard work and commitment!
#PoetryByHeart #RespecttheCTAWay #Community #Tenacity #Aspiration