‘The CTA Way’ represents how we work together to ignite the aspiration of all members of our community. We encourage and support everyone to be tenacious and achieve more than they ever think possible.
We are highly focused on achieving strong academic outcomes for all pupils through challenge and support, resulting in excellent progression into higher education, training and employment, enhancing both work and life prospects. Our inclusive ethos creates a well-ordered and highly supportive learning environment, where diversity is celebrated and pupils are treated as individuals.
Our values are focussed to equip pupils with social skills and tools, supporting them both now and in their future success beyond Chase Terrace Academy. Respect should be intrinsic in society, forming the basis of positive relationships and in providing social and cultural capital. We look to value and reciprocate this within our school community, inspiring everyone to ‘Respect the CTA Way’.
‘Respect’ means to understand, have consideration and show empathy to all. This can be as simple as listening and accepting others’ views, recognising that not everyone is the same, learning about cultures and celebrating differences. We expect pupils at Chase Terrace Academy to respect adults and their decisions, learning from their experience and trusting their judgement of how a good learning environment looks and feels.
We promote that respect must be earned, never demanded and it is the right of every individual in our community. We encourage a healthy, active and proactive lifestyle to learn self-respect: helping us all to work through challenges, build resilience and maintain our emotional health. We encourage self-discipline and recognise that respect for effort brings rewards.