Last week, in anticipation of Holocaust Memorial Day, a group of Year 13 pupils who visited Auschwitz as part of our History Krakow trip gave their account of what they saw in the death camps. Elan T began the series of assemblies by telling his peers about the arrival and identification process at Auschwitz I, before handing over to Harry B who informed pupils about the genocide that occurred in the gas chambers of Auschwitz II Birkenau. Holly W and Cassie L closed the assembly, sharing their emotions and feelings of when they saw the belongings of the inmates and those of children – showing the horrific scale of the tragedy that occurred.
This was a particularly poignant assembly, and one which Mr Lloyd felt compelled to hand over to our pupils – who bravely gave their testimonies peer-to-peer – proving to be a powerful reminder of why our shared values of community and respect are so important today at not just Chase Terrace Academy, but beyond in the wider world.