This week our Year 10 students participated in employability workshops and interviews as part of our Raising Aspirations Programme.
The workshop included information from Pete Thorpe, Head of Education at Youth employment UK, who visited the school to talk about employability skills and to ensure students are better prepared and ready to go when it comes to university, apprenticeships, college or job interviews.
Students used the skills gained in this workshop to take part in individual mock interviews with a team of over 50 professionals visiting the school that day. Each interview was designed to ensure every student is prepped and ready to go when it comes to jobs. These sessions gave valuable experience and exposure to what interviews are really like and helped build students’ confidence.
Once again, we are thrilled to receive high praise in relation to the students and the school from the volunteers about these sessions:
One volunteer said: “All your students have been an absolute credit to you and have all tried their best. A testament to how much hard work goes into planning this day.”
A second volunteer added: “I have been really impressed with how polite, confident and engaged the students have been.”
Carrie Cain, Assistant Headteacher, said: “The employability sessions our students have taken part in have given them a unique opportunity to prepare for future workplace interviews. The volunteers were superb, quickly earned the respect of students and passed on their expertise swiftly. All in all, a fantastic session.”
We look forward to the next employability workshops on the 24th November with Year 12.
Carrie Cain
Assistant Headteacher