At Chase Terrace Academy, we pride ourselves on providing a rich and diverse range of extracurricular activities that extend learning beyond the classroom.
Our extensive programme includes local, national, and international trips tailored to different year groups and subjects. For example, Year 8 pupils have the exciting opportunity to visit France and Germany, and Key Stage 3 pupils can enjoy a residential trip to Boreatton Park.

In addition to the year-group specific trips listed above, we offer the following exciting opportunities to pupils in multiple year groups:
- During the Easter break, we organise a ski trip to France, Italy or Austria, available to pupils from Year 9 to Year 13. This trip is always eagerly anticipated and provides a wonderful balance of physical activity and relaxation.
- Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is reflected in our annual trip to the Birmingham Pride Big Community Event. This event is open to pupils from all year groups and offers them a chance to participate in a significant cultural event, understand the importance of inclusion, and support the values of equality and acceptance.
- Throughout the year, pupils may visit other schools within the local area to participate in academic or sports competitions. These trips are designed to encourage healthy competition, enhance academic and athletic skills, and provide pupils with the experience of representing our school in various events.

All of these trips are carefully planned to ensure they are safe, educational, and enjoyable. They play a crucial role in the holistic development of our pupils, offering them experiences that complement their academic journey and help them to become well-rounded individuals.