We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming pupils back in school to start the 2023-24 academic year!
All pupils were greeted by senior leaders and our progress team at the school gates, shortly before meeting with form tutors to commence their personal development programme this year.
We recognise that creating a positive and welcoming environment can make a significant difference in how pupils perceive school and their overall experience. It has been particularly pleasing to see pupils enjoy looking at the bespoke artwork that has been displayed around school, in addition to the new flooring and redecorated spaces across the school.
Our new Year 7 cohort should be exceptionally proud of their achievements today! All pupils were impeccably dressed (and were thankful that blazers are not required to be worn until 8 September 2023, whilst the hot weather is with us). Pictured here are some Year 7 pupils enjoying some social time at break and lunch, on their designated courtyard which is separate to older pupils during this transitional year.
Year 10 pupils have particularly enjoyed their return to school, commencing their KS4 learning journey and studying subjects that they have selected as part of their GCSE and BTEC portfolio.
Staff have been filled with a huge sense of pride over in our Sixth Form Centre today, seeing so many pupils return to our Post-16 provision after achieving fantastic GCSE results this Summer. Pictured are some of our KS5 pupils who were thrilled to get started.
We look forward to bringing you more updates as we progress through this new academic year. Please continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and ensure you have the ‘My Child at School’ (MCAS) app to receive all updates from us.