Open Evening
We are excited to welcome parents, carers, and prospective pupils to our Opening Evening on Thursday 19th September, from 6pm until 8pm, to visit our school, and see everything that we have to offer.
You will have the opportunity to take a tour (approximately 90 minutes) of our school and meet our wonderful staff and pupils who will be showcasing all that our school has to offer. Subject-specific demonstrations and activities will be taking place across the school to give you an idea of what secondary school life is like, whilst being able to see our fantastic site and facilities! A presentation will take place in our main hall where senior leaders will be available to speak with families and answer any questions.
We ask that parents/carers book an arrival time to support us in making arrangements for the evening and to cater for all guests. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to book their preferred arrival time via this link.
Tours will commence from 6pm and to enable all visitors to have sufficient time to visit all departments, the last tour will commence from 7:15pm.
Open mornings will also be made available for families to book and visit during the school day, following our Open Evening. Please keep an eye on our school website, Facebook and Twitter pages where further information will be released.
We look forward to seeing you there!