NSCG Apprenticeship Bus visits CTA!
Today marked an exciting opportunity for our Year 11 pupils as we welcomed the NSCG Apprenticeship Bus in celebration of National Apprenticeship Week. The visit provided valuable insights into the world of apprenticeships, offering our pupils a glimpse into the future-ready skills they can acquire through this path.
Our pupils engaged with current apprentices, gaining firsthand knowledge and inspiration for their own journey. The NSCG Apprenticeship Hub team was on-site, guiding them through the elements of a successful apprenticeship application and addressing any queries they had.
Following the insightful tour, our pupils participated in apprenticeship-themed activities, including a quiz. Miss J Devereux, Assistant Headteacher, said, “”Preparing for an apprenticeship is an investment in your future. The diverse opportunities available through apprenticeships open doors to a world of possibilities, ensuring our pupils are well-equipped for success.”
#NationalApprenticeshipWeek #RespecttheCTAWay #Community #Tenacity #Aspiration