Year 8 French Trip Update!
We are thrilled to share an exciting update from our Year 8 pupils on their French adventure! Pupils have had the unique experience of exploring a traditional artisanal bakery, or “boulangerie,” where they learned about the intricate process of baking bread in a wood oven. They watched skilled bakers in action and gained valuable insights into the art of bread-making.
Following the bakery visit, the pupils visited a chocolate factory and a snail farm. These visits have provided them with unique opportunities to learn more about French culinary traditions, practice their language skills, and step outside of their comfort zones.
Mrs. E. Scholes, MFL Teacher and organiser of the trip, shared her thoughts: “The trip has provided the opportunity for pupils to practice their language skills and utilise their knowledge to confidently order an ice cream and drink, engaging in real-life situations and enhancing their fluency and confidence in the French language.”
We are incredibly proud of our pupils and grateful to our dedicated staff for making this trip such a wonderful and enriching experience. Stay tuned for more updates!
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