Parent/Carer Career Support Session

We are thrilled to announce that we will be hosting a ‘Parent/Carer Career Support Session’ aimed at equipping parents/carers within our school community with the essential skills to support their child(ren) in making informed career choices, enhancing their employability skills, and preparing them for lifelong learning.
Did you know that when your child was in primary school, 80% of the careers they might pursue in the future did not yet exist? As parents and carers, you are the most trusted source of support and guidance for your children when it comes to career decisions. We are here to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to navigate this journey with them.
This event will take place at Chase Terrace Academy on Wednesday, 26th June. The evening will take place in two sessions, with the first running from 05:00pm-05:45pm and the second from 05:45pm to 06:30pm. To register for your chosen session, please complete the registration form via the QR code on the poster below.
If you have any queries, please contact our Director of Careers, Mrs J Poppleton, at j.poppleton@chaseterraceacademy.co.uk
We look forward to seeing you there!
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