Physical activity helps us to improve our mental wellbeing
Students continue to enjoy outdoor face to face physical education teaching. We have moved to our summer activities which include: rounders, softball, athletics and cricket alongside a winter team games module to ensure our students do not miss out on the delivery of these sports. Most sports have been taught outside and have followed the recommended Covid guidelines for that governing body, but with the return of the sports hall, small groups have used our sports hall once again in their year group bubbles. Although it can be cold our participants are encouraged to put on plenty of layers underneath their PE kit and asked to make sure that they stay as active as possible. That said, we have had some beautiful, sunny days and students needed to think about sunscreen and extra hydration. Oh the English weather!!
Alongside the lessons our extra-curricular programme has started in earnest, although staggered lunchtimes and the necessity of year groups having to train in bubbles has limited what we can do. See the table of activities below.
Activity Evening (3pm- 4pm) | Lunchtime | |
Monday | Year 9 Rounders, AV & VW | |
Tuesday | Year 10 Rounders, KT Badminton Club, SH | Year 7 Athletics, VW & AV |
Wednesday | Year 11 Rounders, KT | Year 8 Athletics, KT |
Thursday | Year 8 Rounders, AV Boxing (Wayne), KT | |
Friday | Year 7 Rounders, VW |
Attendance has been excellent, with 45 year students turning up to our first year 7 rounder’s practice.
The PE Department continue to identify our top performers. The students below have shown dedication to their studies.
Performers of the Week
Performer of the Week has been awarded to Isabella 7N, Dylan 8R and Daniel 10O.
Congratulations to Isabella on being nominated for ‘PE Performer of the Week’. Isabella consistently engaged in PE during lockdown and has continued her effort in PE lessons. Nominations: Cameron 8C, Harry 9H, Leila 9N, Millie 10C and Mia 10N.
Congratulations to Dylan on being nominated for ‘PE Performer of the Week’. Dylan has been consistently showing excellence in all aspects of PE. Nominations: Libby 8M, Jayden 8P, Lucy 7M, Maggie 7P and Harrison 8H.
Congratulations to Dan on being successfully nominated for ‘PE Performer of the Week’. Daniel recently performed extremely well in his BTEC Sport exam. Nominations were: Andrew 7C, Grace 8O, Alex 9C, Holly 9C and Holly-Mae 11C.
A Career in PE
This week we would like to introduce you to Jordan Dawes a professional basketballer. He talks about his career pathway in elite sport and the twists and turns that he had to overcome to follow his dreams. He is now a Royal Marine – “hard work always beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”.
A Mile a Day in May – PE initiative throughout May
Join the P.E Department and complete a mile a day throughout May. You are invited to: walk, run, cycle. With a friend or family and record it on a form collected from the PE office. Certificates awarded for best individual and family efforts.
This can be a family activity. Please see the P.E department Twitter account.
Stay fit and healthy.
Chase Terrace Academy PE Department
Please find our latest Chase Terrace Academy Newsletter attached below.
It features many staff and students as well as the local community and highlights many of the fantastic achievements that have taken place since January.
Thank you to everybody who has supported us this term.
Moving to the future
Chase Terrace Academy held its third successful foodbank morning on Maundy Thursday just before the Easter holidays.
This time, it was an afternoon slot. Once again, we had a steady trickle of shoppers although I’m not sure that this time slot suited everyone. Due to the generosity of our community, our local vicar, Matt Wallis, from St Johns Community Church and the House of Bread in Stafford our customers were provided with a wide variety of food and essentials including: tea coffee, milk and sugar, and everything else you can imagine in a tin as well as a vast selection of toiletries. The younger members of the families, who came along with their parents and carers, were given an Easter egg and we were all treated to a home baked muffin by our very own Mrs Stokes; tea and coffee was provided for all. We would like to thank all staff from Chase Terrace Academy who assisted on Thursday and gave us backing either setting up, stocking up or clearing up!!! A real team effort.
We continue to be grateful to our Chase Terrace families for taking time out of the day to drop donations into the entrance of our main reception or phoning us to ask how you can help out. Every little thing that you do has allowed the foodbank to function smoothly and provide assistance to those who are in need.
Eggs for All
The support we received for this campaign was amazing. We received over 200 Easter eggs. Tesco Rugeley made a very kind egg donation alongside all the chocolate eggs that our Chase Terrace families sent in. The eggs were distributed via food parcels, during our foodbank afternoon and to a local nursing home Grangemoor that is located close to our school. Every resident, carer and nurse received one of the eggs that you donated. Thankyou. It was lovely to meet the manager Stacey Dewsbury who was a previous Chase Terrace student.
We have received two substantial donations recently – £300 from Burntwood Lions and £1000 from Mrs Allen from St Johns Church This money is for the sole use of our foodbank. We are therefore going to use it to restock or purchase any items that we do not ordinarily have gifted. Thank you so much to these kind benefactors. The money will be used exactly as you have asked.
Moving Forward
We will no longer be delivering parcels as we accelerate with the teaching and learning responsibilities of our children. However, we have made the decision to keep the foodbank running. We are presently rich in stock and now, as you have heard, have money to continue to support this enterprise. We also and more importantly realise, some of our families still require this support and safety net to remain afloat in the current climate. With this in mind families must not struggle and can still receive a parcel.
This can be prearranged by contacting us on:
Email: office@chaseterraceacademy.co.uk
Phone: 01543 682286
A date and time can then be arranged to collect a pre prepared parcel from main school reception. It will be very quick, easy and discreet.
Alternatively an arrangement can be made to come into school on a Monday between 3.15 and 4.15 to shop for yourself. Time slots will be 15 minutes long.
It is most important that those families who are need contact the school. We have a good selection of items and your calls are confidential.
Our support continues.
The Foodbank Team
Getting back into the swing of things:
Students have finally enjoyed some outdoor face to face physical education teaching. Netball, hockey, football, basketball and rugby have all been taught outside in order to follow the recommended guidelines. Although it can be cold, our participants are encouraged to put on plenty of layers underneath their PE kit and asked to make sure that they stay as active as possible.
The Lateral Flow Testing Site had been located in the Sports Hall and a team of staff and volunteers completed the most amazing job to support our students return to school. On Friday, however, we were very excited to have our sports hall returned to us. We cannot wait to use it again, albeit with all the Covid safety in place. Alongside the lessons, we ran remote and face to face extra-curricular activities in yoga, Boxercise and boxing. We would like to see greater attendance and hope that students will take up these opportunities before the Easter break. It was, however, lovely to see the Year 10 netball team turn up to practice on Tuesday and show that they had not forgotten any of their skills.
Boxercise with Pete
Training with Wayne
Year 10 Netball Training Bubble
Please see our extra – curricular program below up until the Easter break:
Day | Activity | Staff Member | Time |
Tuesday | Netball (Year10) | Mrs Tooth | 3.00 -3.45 |
Wednesday | Boxercise (Year 9)* Netball (Year 11) | Pete Woollard/ Miss Wilson Mrs Tooth | 3.00 -3.45 3.00 -3.45 |
Thursday | Boxing Year 9 * | Wayne Elcock/ Mrs Tooth | 3.15 – 4.00 |
Performers of the Week
Performer of the Week was awarded to Tom in Year 9. His effort and commitment throughout the Lockdown period was outstanding. Regular attendance at live after school events followed by clear, constructive feedback was so helpful. In addition, Tom created a weekly log to describe all his physical activity.
Our other Performer of the Week has been given to our Year13 Level 3 BTEC Sports group. It was decided that our boys would sit their external examinations in school in January when other schools did not. They were very well prepared and had put in the right amount of revision. This week they received their results and they were absolutely amazing, with all boys hitting or exceeding their target grades. We are so proud of them in such difficult times.
A Career in PE
This week we would like to introduce you to a career in sport with:
Michelle Turner – Former International basketball player and current coach of the U16 Birmingham Bullets. As well as this Michelle has a full time position as a midwife. Take the time to listen to her career pathway as it has taken many twists and turns.
Motivation and Resilience in Sport
These qualities are key in life in order to achieve your goals. We would like to introduce you to:
Pete Woollard – A regular coach for our students. Pete taught both HIIT and Boxercise via Teams and overcame a variety of setbacks to be in his current chosen sporting career. Here is what he says.
We hope that you have valued what our people in sport have had to say and it has shown that roles in this sector can be diverse.
Stay fit and healthy.
Chase Terrace Academy PE Department
We are excited to share with you the new House logos for Brocket, Elk and Fallow. I would like to take the time to thank all the students who applied for the House logo competition – we were inundated with entries!
The winning entries were submitted by Isobel and Annabel (Year 7), Archie (Year 8), Liya (Year 10) and Zayna ( Year 10).
These students have worked closely with Mr Andrews (Head of Art) to come up with the final designs. We hope you like them just as much as we do!
To all in the Chase Terrace community. The foodbank that you have supported has been a resounding success and we have given out almost 500 food parcels in the local area. It has been an absolute pleasure to be able to drop off weekly foods and have essentials available for collection.
Next week will, unfortunately, be our last delivery to you due to time constraints, additional workload in school and availability of food. The Physical Education Department, who have run this venture, are also keen to get the extra-curricular sports programme running again.
Moving Forward
We will maintain a small food stock onsite, and some of our Duke of Edinburgh students are being trained to run a smaller foodbank initiative. They will be overseen by the Foodbank Team so that it continues to run smoothly. With this in mind, if anyone does find themselves in need in need, please call Chase Terrace Academy on 01543 682286 and organise to collect a parcel from our main school entrance.
Eggs for Easter Campaign.
This week we launched a new initiative that would support families in need, alongside supporting a local care home. Eggs that are donated will gifted to these two groups. Our aim is to collect 250 eggs. Currently we have about 50 so we still need your help.
Foodbank Open Afternoon
Please note that we will be running a Foodbank Open Afternoon on Thursday 1st of April, starting at 3:30 until 5:30, to support families through the Easter period. It will run in the Sixth Form Centre. Anyone attending will be required to wear a mask, unless exempt, sanitise on entry and will be allowed two bags of groceries and essential items. We are really looking forward to seeing our customers and will be providing home baked cakes and coffee.
We anticipate that we will not run anymore mornings until the Christmas period, but will let the community know well in advance of this happening.
Your support on social media has been invaluable, in addition, the kindness and generosity of this community has been overwhelming and has allowed us to stay open for almost six months. Thank you so much. We will stay in touch.
Chase Terrace Academy Foodbank
We are proud to say that we have managed to keep the Chase Terrace Academy foodbank running throughout Lockdown and have sent out over 100 parcels. We are calling for your help once again to enable us to help our local families in the run up to the Easter break. Our foodbank is now depleted and we desperately need to restock. With this in mind, we would be grateful if you could possibly spare a food or toiletry item that could be sent into school next week to support our cause. All donations can be left by students at the dining hall entrance.
“Eggs for Easter” campaign
In addition, we would also like to launch our “Eggs for Easter” campaign and would welcome an Easter egg donation. Any gifts would be given out via our foodbank, as well as treating a local care home. We would love to give the residents and the care workers, with your assistance, an egg to show that the Chase Terrace Academy community care.
We very much appreciate your continued kindness and support. Thankyou.
Back in school at last:
This week has seen the Sports Hall block work as a Lateral Flow testing centre for our staff and students and has been a hive of activity. For the time being therefore our students have been based in the older part of the building to maintain safe distances and reducing contact points.
Although the curriculum was slightly disrupted due to lack of facilities the Department have worked hard to motivate and engage our students in school Physical Education once more. Our activities have included:
Performers of the Week
Last week our performer of the week was awarded to Grace in Year 9. She is a regional gymnast and has had to work extremely hard to maintain her fitness levels. She has attended our remote fitness and morning HITT sessions. In addition to this Grace has sent us pictures and videos of her own training and her attempts to beat the teacher in the challenges that we have set via form tutors and Twitter.
This week our performer of the week was awarded to Tom in Year 9 who has involved himself in every part of PE life. He has worked particularly hard in the live activities and provided the PE staff with excellent feedback . In addition he has completed a log of all the activities that he has participated in. Well done Tom.
Extra – Curricular Activities
We were keen to engage in physical activities face to face as soon as this was possible but also to maintain some of the live online classes running though Lockdown. It was very important to put in health and safety checks and complete a rigorous risk assessment so that we could operate a program. Unfortunately students can only attend clubs in year group bubbles and we do have to limit numbers. Where possible our classes are located outdoors, but if this is not appropriate to the activity we have worked in very well ventilated large spaces.
Please see our extra – curricular plan below up until Easter:
Day | Activity | Staff Member | Time |
Tuesday | Netball (Year10) | Mrs Tooth | 3.00 -3.45 |
Wednesday | Boxercise (Year 9)* Netball (Year 11) Dance (Year 8) | Pete Woollard/Miss Wilson Mrs Tooth Miss Vivian | 3.00 -3.45 3.00 -3.45 3.00-3.45 |
Thursday | Boxing Year 9 * Hockey (Year 7) | Wayne Elcock/ Mrs Tooth Miss Wilson | 3.15 – 4.00 3.00 – 3.45 |
Staying motivated and working hard in PE?
Professional sportspeople talk to you about their experiences inside and outside of sport. We would like to introduce you to:
Zach Wallace – Great Britain international field hockey player
Zach took time out to talk to us about his career pathway, and how it has developed over the years. He is currently preparing for the Tokyo Olympics this coming summer – we wish him every success.
Stay fit and healthy.
Chase Terrace academy PE Department