Chase Terrace Academy is delighted to announce the relaunch of a new ‘Form Time – Personal Development Programme’!
We have developed and launched an enhanced ‘Personal Development Programme’ for Year 7 – 11 pupils this half term, ensuring equality of opportunity and to create an increasingly inclusive environment.

Passionate about supporting all pupils to achieve more than they ever thought possible, the programme is focussed to support pupils to become confident, resilient members of our community. Each week, pupils will focus on a theme relevant to their personal growth such as careers, internet safety and mental health. The programme also includes weekly target setting, providing pupils with the opportunity to take ownership of their individual progress and set weekly, personal SMART targets.

Working in Partnership with our Policing team and as part of this programme, PCSO Humphreys recently met with some of our KS3 students and raised awareness on how to keep safe within our local community.

Deputy Headteacher, Mr Newman, said: “Giving Personal Development the status it deserves is being well received by our pupils and we look forward to them embracing every opportunity the programme will encompass in the future.”