Our curriculum is at the heart of everything we do. At all key stages, it provides a rich and varied experience for each of our pupils. This enables them to achieve the very best that they can and builds the strength of character and tenacity to progress to the next stage of education and employment.
In Years 7, 8 and 9, pupils study: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, French, German, Computer Science/ICT, Design and Technology, Arts, PE, RE, Music and Drama. Through these subjects, pupils develop a love of learning and acquire the skills and knowledge needed to be successful at Key stage 4 and 5.
In Years 10 and 11, pupils continue their study of the core subjects: English, Maths and Science, as well as PE and RE. They also opt to study other subjects from a wide selection of academic and vocational courses. The majority of pupils will study a language and humanity subject at GCSE to further enhance their qualification portfolio for the next stage of their education.

Teachers use their strong subject knowledge well to deliver the curriculum. Their passion for their subject often helps to engage pupils in their learning.”
-Ofsted, 2022

The enrichment and aspirations curriculum runs alongside the academic curriculum. This ensures that our pupils are developing the wider skills and knowledge required to be helpful, happy citizens, as well as individuals with character, who are ready for the world of work.
The school is well-resourced to meet the demands of the modern curriculum. Our PE department have access to large playing fields, a sports hall, gym and swimming pool. Our Technology and Computer Science departments are resourced to ensure that pupils have access to the specialist equipment and expertise needed to prepare them for life in the modern world.
The key stage 3 curriculum has been revised to ensure that all pupils benefit from a broad curriculum. Leaders have also made the curriculum offer broader in key stages 4 and 5 by adding more vocational courses.”
-Ofsted, 2022