We strongly support that as a school community, we must use all of the tools available to us to combat the transmission of COVID-19. These tools range from vaccination, symptomatic testing, improving medicines, self-isolation regulations and non-pharmaceutical interventions like hands-face-space. Asymptomatic testing is a further and critical tool to help mitigate the transmission of COVID-19.
On its own, asymptomatic testing will not prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but used with the other tools available (to us) it will help us to:
- Identify and help to prevent staff and students without symptoms from transmitting and spreading the virus unknowingly.
- Allow us to operate as safely as possible by self-isolating those that are the most contagious as soon as is practical.
Asymptomatic testing is done via simple and quick tests, known as ‘Lateral Flow Device’ (LFD) tests. They enable us to rapidly test students and staff, without the need for a laboratory. No test is 100% accurate, but when done as part of a testing regime is very good at picking up those with high viral loads (i.e. those that are the most contagious).
Tuesday 4th January | Wednesday 5th January |
09:00 – 10:30 – Year 10 | 09:00 – 10:30 – Year 7 |
10:30 – 12:00 – Year 11 | 10:30 – 12:00 – Year 8 |
13:00 – 13:45 – Year 12 | 13:00 – 14:30 – Year 9 |
13:45 – 14:30 – Year 13 | |
These year groups should then do a home LFD test the morning of Wednesday 5 January, when they return to school. | These year groups should then do a home LFD test the morning of Thursday 6 January, when they return to school. |
Please refer to the ‘Lateral Flow Testing – Information Guide’ for full information about the testing process. Consent must be explicitly given – please complete the electronic form that has been sent through My Ed App for each child.
Home Testing
Students are encouraged to continue to home test on Sunday and Wednesday evenings throughout the Summer holidays. You may find it useful to watch this video to supervise your child’s test https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvaBZskxS7tzQYlVg7lwH5uxAD9UrSzGJ.

Parents/carers are required to report each test result, whether it is positive, negative or void to school and to NHS Test and Trace. All results must be reported. To report each test result please scan this QR code (which is also on external test kit boxes) and complete the online form. This data will be stored on the schools ‘COVID-19 Test Register’.
Please refer to the ‘Privacy Statement’ for full details of what data will be collected and processed.
Please send any queries relating to lateral flow testing to office@chaseterraceacademy.co.uk