This week, our assembly focus is on the celebration of diverse cultures. Led by Miss L Roach, Subject Leader for RE, the assembly focused on the celebrations of Easter and Eid.
Miss Roach began by explaining the significance of Easter for Christians, exploring the profound meaning behind the celebrations of Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Through the sacrifice of Jesus, Christians believe in the restoration of the relationship between God and humanity, celebrating the triumph of good over evil with the Resurrection of Christ.
Miss Roach then shed light on the celebration of Ramadan, a sacred month observed by Muslims worldwide. Ramadan, one of the five pillars of Islamic faith, serves as a time for spiritual introspection and connection with God. As Ramadan culminates in the festival of Eid, Muslims express gratitude for the opportunity to fast, seek forgiveness, and come together in unity as a community.
In the spirit of inclusivity and empathy, Miss Roach encouraged pupils to consider the experiences of their peers who may be observing Ramadan and how they can offer support and solidarity.
She also encouraged pupils to think about how they can help the community during the Easter period, such as the Easter Foodbank Drop-in that took place last night for our school community to collect a food parcel and other goods such as Easter Eggs.
Concluding the assembly with a moment of reflection, Miss Roach encouraged pupils to contemplate their personal journey in 2024 thus far and the positive changes that they can make for the rest of the year.