Back in school at last:
This week has seen the Sports Hall block work as a Lateral Flow testing centre for our staff and students and has been a hive of activity. For the time being therefore our students have been based in the older part of the building to maintain safe distances and reducing contact points.
Although the curriculum was slightly disrupted due to lack of facilities the Department have worked hard to motivate and engage our students in school Physical Education once more. Our activities have included:
- A week of competitive physical challenges and personal challenges as you can see below.
- On the days that it rained we completed a mental health check looking and practicing activities that improved mood and planning for a healthier week ahead.
Performers of the Week
Last week our performer of the week was awarded to Grace in Year 9. She is a regional gymnast and has had to work extremely hard to maintain her fitness levels. She has attended our remote fitness and morning HITT sessions. In addition to this Grace has sent us pictures and videos of her own training and her attempts to beat the teacher in the challenges that we have set via form tutors and Twitter.
This week our performer of the week was awarded to Tom in Year 9 who has involved himself in every part of PE life. He has worked particularly hard in the live activities and provided the PE staff with excellent feedback . In addition he has completed a log of all the activities that he has participated in. Well done Tom.
Extra – Curricular Activities
We were keen to engage in physical activities face to face as soon as this was possible but also to maintain some of the live online classes running though Lockdown. It was very important to put in health and safety checks and complete a rigorous risk assessment so that we could operate a program. Unfortunately students can only attend clubs in year group bubbles and we do have to limit numbers. Where possible our classes are located outdoors, but if this is not appropriate to the activity we have worked in very well ventilated large spaces.
Please see our extra – curricular plan below up until Easter:
Day | Activity | Staff Member | Time |
Tuesday | Netball (Year10) | Mrs Tooth | 3.00 -3.45 |
Wednesday | Boxercise (Year 9)* Netball (Year 11) Dance (Year 8) | Pete Woollard/Miss Wilson Mrs Tooth Miss Vivian | 3.00 -3.45 3.00 -3.45 3.00-3.45 |
Thursday | Boxing Year 9 * Hockey (Year 7) | Wayne Elcock/ Mrs Tooth Miss Wilson | 3.15 – 4.00 3.00 – 3.45 |
Staying motivated and working hard in PE?
Professional sportspeople talk to you about their experiences inside and outside of sport. We would like to introduce you to:
Zach Wallace – Great Britain international field hockey player
Zach took time out to talk to us about his career pathway, and how it has developed over the years. He is currently preparing for the Tokyo Olympics this coming summer – we wish him every success.
Stay fit and healthy.
Chase Terrace academy PE Department