Getting back into the swing of things:
Students have finally enjoyed some outdoor face to face physical education teaching. Netball, hockey, football, basketball and rugby have all been taught outside in order to follow the recommended guidelines. Although it can be cold, our participants are encouraged to put on plenty of layers underneath their PE kit and asked to make sure that they stay as active as possible.
The Lateral Flow Testing Site had been located in the Sports Hall and a team of staff and volunteers completed the most amazing job to support our students return to school. On Friday, however, we were very excited to have our sports hall returned to us. We cannot wait to use it again, albeit with all the Covid safety in place. Alongside the lessons, we ran remote and face to face extra-curricular activities in yoga, Boxercise and boxing. We would like to see greater attendance and hope that students will take up these opportunities before the Easter break. It was, however, lovely to see the Year 10 netball team turn up to practice on Tuesday and show that they had not forgotten any of their skills.

Boxercise with Pete

Training with Wayne

Year 10 Netball Training Bubble

Please see our extra – curricular program below up until the Easter break:
Day | Activity | Staff Member | Time |
Tuesday | Netball (Year10) | Mrs Tooth | 3.00 -3.45 |
Wednesday | Boxercise (Year 9)* Netball (Year 11) | Pete Woollard/ Miss Wilson Mrs Tooth | 3.00 -3.45 3.00 -3.45 |
Thursday | Boxing Year 9 * | Wayne Elcock/ Mrs Tooth | 3.15 – 4.00 |
Performers of the Week
Performer of the Week was awarded to Tom in Year 9. His effort and commitment throughout the Lockdown period was outstanding. Regular attendance at live after school events followed by clear, constructive feedback was so helpful. In addition, Tom created a weekly log to describe all his physical activity.
Our other Performer of the Week has been given to our Year13 Level 3 BTEC Sports group. It was decided that our boys would sit their external examinations in school in January when other schools did not. They were very well prepared and had put in the right amount of revision. This week they received their results and they were absolutely amazing, with all boys hitting or exceeding their target grades. We are so proud of them in such difficult times.
A Career in PE
This week we would like to introduce you to a career in sport with:
Michelle Turner – Former International basketball player and current coach of the U16 Birmingham Bullets. As well as this Michelle has a full time position as a midwife. Take the time to listen to her career pathway as it has taken many twists and turns.
Motivation and Resilience in Sport
These qualities are key in life in order to achieve your goals. We would like to introduce you to:
Pete Woollard – A regular coach for our students. Pete taught both HIIT and Boxercise via Teams and overcame a variety of setbacks to be in his current chosen sporting career. Here is what he says.
We hope that you have valued what our people in sport have had to say and it has shown that roles in this sector can be diverse.
Stay fit and healthy.
Chase Terrace Academy PE Department