Moving to the future
Chase Terrace Academy held its third successful foodbank morning on Maundy Thursday just before the Easter holidays.
This time, it was an afternoon slot. Once again, we had a steady trickle of shoppers although I’m not sure that this time slot suited everyone. Due to the generosity of our community, our local vicar, Matt Wallis, from St Johns Community Church and the House of Bread in Stafford our customers were provided with a wide variety of food and essentials including: tea coffee, milk and sugar, and everything else you can imagine in a tin as well as a vast selection of toiletries. The younger members of the families, who came along with their parents and carers, were given an Easter egg and we were all treated to a home baked muffin by our very own Mrs Stokes; tea and coffee was provided for all. We would like to thank all staff from Chase Terrace Academy who assisted on Thursday and gave us backing either setting up, stocking up or clearing up!!! A real team effort.
We continue to be grateful to our Chase Terrace families for taking time out of the day to drop donations into the entrance of our main reception or phoning us to ask how you can help out. Every little thing that you do has allowed the foodbank to function smoothly and provide assistance to those who are in need.
Eggs for All
The support we received for this campaign was amazing. We received over 200 Easter eggs. Tesco Rugeley made a very kind egg donation alongside all the chocolate eggs that our Chase Terrace families sent in. The eggs were distributed via food parcels, during our foodbank afternoon and to a local nursing home Grangemoor that is located close to our school. Every resident, carer and nurse received one of the eggs that you donated. Thankyou. It was lovely to meet the manager Stacey Dewsbury who was a previous Chase Terrace student.
We have received two substantial donations recently – £300 from Burntwood Lions and £1000 from Mrs Allen from St Johns Church This money is for the sole use of our foodbank. We are therefore going to use it to restock or purchase any items that we do not ordinarily have gifted. Thank you so much to these kind benefactors. The money will be used exactly as you have asked.
Moving Forward
We will no longer be delivering parcels as we accelerate with the teaching and learning responsibilities of our children. However, we have made the decision to keep the foodbank running. We are presently rich in stock and now, as you have heard, have money to continue to support this enterprise. We also and more importantly realise, some of our families still require this support and safety net to remain afloat in the current climate. With this in mind families must not struggle and can still receive a parcel.
This can be prearranged by contacting us on:
Email: office@chaseterraceacademy.co.uk
Phone: 01543 682286
A date and time can then be arranged to collect a pre prepared parcel from main school reception. It will be very quick, easy and discreet.
Alternatively an arrangement can be made to come into school on a Monday between 3.15 and 4.15 to shop for yourself. Time slots will be 15 minutes long.
It is most important that those families who are need contact the school. We have a good selection of items and your calls are confidential.
Our support continues.
The Foodbank Team