As another group of Year 13 leavers collect their level 3 ‘A’ Level and Btec results, Chase Terrace Technology College, once again sends warm congratulations to students who have worked hard to achieve these outcomes. Success at level 3 is a great challenge and one which requires determination and focus from pupils who have to work in partnership with their teachers whilst being prepared to work with high levels of independence.
The school’s headteacher Tim Chamberlin commented “I am very pleased and proud of the achievements of our year 13 leavers – they have worked hard over a sustained two year period to reach their goals. As a school we wish them well as they move on to the next chapter in their lives – for over two thirds of our students this will mean taking up a university place and for others beginning a higher level apprenticeship. We will watch with keen interest as they progress and take up their place in the wider world and thank them for the contributions that they have made to the life of this school.

CTTC 2019 ‘A’ Level & Btec Top Performers
Harriet Simmonds: ‘A*’ Psychology. ‘A*’ English Literature, ‘A’ Biology; Emma Birch: ‘A*’ Sociology, ‘A’ Psychology, ‘Dist*’ Btec Sport, ‘B’ English Literature; Jack Steventon: ‘A*’ Mathematics, ‘A’ Further Maths, ‘B’ Physics; William Walton: ‘A’ Mathematics, ‘A’ Computer Science, ‘C’ Further Maths; Eleanor Campion: ‘Dist*’ Btec Sport, ‘Dist* Btec Business, ‘B’ Sociology; Blade Downing: ‘A’ Accounting, ‘Dist*’ Btec Business, ‘C’ Geography; Molly Harvey: ‘A’ Art and Design, ‘A’ Photography, ‘B’ Sociology, ‘C’ History; Jessica Parker:‘A*’ Photography, ‘Dist*’ Btec ICT, ‘B’ Art and Design; Adam Stanley: ‘A’ Geography, ‘B’ Biology, ‘B’ Chemistry