As part of our ongoing commitment to our community, our pupils from the Charity and Community Committee on our Pupil Leadership Team took the initiative to work with the Burntwood Action Group. Together, they set out to create plastic bottle poppies for the upcoming Armistice Day display in Prince’s Park, Burntwood.
Since the initial meeting, our dedicated pupils, with unwavering support from our incredible staff, have been tirelessly crafting, painting, and drilling poppies in preparation for the display. We’re thrilled to share that this heart-warming project was made possible thanks to the generous support from Burntwood Town Council, who provided funding for spray paint and wire to help bring our vision to life.

Our pupils demonstrated remarkable dedication and tenacity, sacrificing many lunchtimes and after-school hours to ensure the success of this project. But they weren’t alone in this endeavour – it was truly a team effort. The art department provided valuable support in the painting and finishing process, form tutors generously gave up their form time to create poppies, and even history lessons became a place for poppy-making. This collective effort not only reinforced the significance of community involvement but also underscored the importance of Armistice Day and the poppy as a symbol of remembrance.
Miss H Pickerill, our Pupil Leadership Coordinator, shared her thoughts: “This project is the largest undertaking our Pupil Leaders have embarked upon thus far, and we are immensely proud of the commitment shown by our dedicated pupils. What truly warms our hearts is how pupils and staff from all corners of the school rallied together to create a significant number of poppies. It was an incredibly gratifying experience to deliver over 8 bags of poppies to Mr. Chamberlin from the Burntwood Action Group. We are so proud of our school for its invaluable contribution to this project.”
Thank you to everyone who played a part in making this project a resounding success!

#ArmisticeDay #Lestweforget #RespecttheCTAWay #Community #Tenacity #Aspiration #PupilLeadership