A massive thank you to Highfields Primary School for their incredible generosity! They’ve kindly donated the food raised from their Harvest Festival to our Community CATCH Hub. This is the second year in a row that Highfields has contributed, and we couldn’t be more grateful.
A special shout-out to our amazing school runners for the day, Ellie S and Jacob N, who enthusiastically dedicated their time to help sort the donated food!
Miss S Cantwell, CATCH Hub leader, shared her appreciation for this generous gesture: “This wonderful act of kindness from Highfields Primary School truly embodies the spirit of community and togetherness that we cherish here at Chase Terrace Academy. We’re immensely grateful for their continued support, and it fills our hearts with warmth to witness such a strong sense of unity.”
If any parents and carers would like to visit the CATCH Hub, please get in touch via email: office@chaseterraceacademy.co.uk.