Foodbank Morning at Chase Terrace Academy – February 12th, 10.30 – 12.30
We would like to announce our second Chase Terrace Foodbank Morning that will be held on Friday 12th February. This is to ensure that anyone in the community who needs a little helping hand has enough food and basic essentials over the February half term break.
It will run in the Sixth Form Centre starting at 10.30 and finishing at 12.30. Entry will be via the Sixth Form entrance only which is opposite the swimming pool. There will be somebody to signpost you into the building.

All people entering the site will need to hand sanitise and follow the one way system in the building. Face Masks must be worn at all times, unless you are exempt. Please be patient when you arrive as we may have to limit numbers inside the building to keep everyone safe. If this happens we ask that you queue outside until you are asked to enter and observe social distancing whilst waiting. If you are able to come to shop on your own that would be preferred, but not expected.
There will be a maximum of two bags of items per family so that we can support as many people as possible.
We look forward to meeting you soon. We are all in this together.
Kind Regards,
Chase Terrace Academy Foodbank