Year 9

Year 9 Maths
Click on your class code. (This can be found in Satchel One.)

9aLe 9bLe
English Curriculum Implementation Plan
Autumn 1 – Travel Writing 1Travel Writing 2
Autumn 2 – Coram Boy
Spring 1 – Shakespeare – The Merchant of Venice
Spring 2 – Non-Fiction – Letter, Speech, Review
Summer 1 – Diversity Poetry
Summer 2 – Narrative Creative – ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’
Knowledge Organisers
Autumn 1-Travel Writing KO
Autumn 2-Coram Boy KO
Spring 1- Shakespeare-The Merchant of Venice KO
Spring 2- Non-Fiction- Letter, Speech, Review KO
Summer 1-Diversity Poetry
Summer 2- ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’
Road Map
BiologyCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
B1 Cell Biology
B1 Transport in cells
ChemistryCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
C1 Atomic Structure and PT
C5 Energy Changes
PhysicsCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
P1 Energy
P4 Atomic structure & radiation
HistoryCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1a – Golden Age Britain Causes of WWI
Term 1b – World War I
Term 2a – Interwar Years Rise of Nazis
Term 2b – Holocaust World War II
Term 3a – The Cold War
Term 3b – Protests Terrorism Days that Shook the World
GeographyCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Autumn Term – Earths Future
Spring Term – Middle East
Summer Term – Development
PE Curriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organiser-Girls
Knowledge Organiser-Boys
RECurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
1. Crime and Punishment
2. The existence of God
3. Abortion
4. Euthanasia
5. Animal Rights
D&T – GraphicsCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organiser
D&T – TextilesCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organiser
D&T – FoodCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organiser
D&T – Resistant MaterialsCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organiser
MFL- French Curriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1 – Unit 1
Term 1 – Unit 2
Term 2 – Unit 3
Term 3 – Unit 4
MFL – German Curriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1 – Unit 1
Term 2 – Unit 2
Term 2 – Unit 3
Term 3 – Unit 4
ArtCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organiser
PSHECurriculum Implementation Plan
DramaCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Autumn – Term 1
Spring – Term 2
Summer – Term 3
Music Curriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers – Term 1Term 2Term 3
Computer ScienceCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organiser
BusinessCurriculum Implementation Plan

Book now for our 2024 Open Evening - 19th September, 6-8pm