Year 11

Year 11

MathsCurriculum Implementation Plan – Developing
Knowledge Organiser – Developing
Road Map- Developing
Curriculum Implementation Plan – Foundation
Knowledge Organiser – Foundation
Road Map – Foundation
Curriculum Implementation Plan – Higher
Knowledge Organiser – Higher
Road Map – Higher
EnglishCurriculum Implementation Plan – Language
Paper Two – Non-Fiction and Transactional Writing
Paper One – 19th Century Fiction and Imaginative writing
Knowledge Organisers
Paper 1-KO
Paper 2-KO
Curriculum Implementation Plan – Literature
Comparing Unseen Poetry
Knowledge Organisers
Poetry KO
Poetic Devices KO
BiologyCurriculum Implementation Plan
Road Map
Knowledge Organisers
B6 Inheritance, Variation & Evolution
B7 Ecology
ChemistryCurriculum Implementation Plan
Road Map
Knowledge Organisers
C6 Rate & Extent of Chemical Change
C7 Organic Chemistry
C8 Chemical Analysis
C9 Chemistry of the Atmosphere
C10 Using Resources
PhysicsCurriculum Implementation Plan
Road Map
Knowledge Organisers
P5 Forces 1
P5 Forces 2
P6 Waves
P7 Magnetism & Electromagnetism
P8 Space
HistoryCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1A and 1B
The Kaisers Germany and WW1
The Weimar Republic
Hitler and the rise of the Nazis
Life in Nazi Germany
Term 2A and 2B
Elizabeth and her Government
Life in the Elizabethan times
Troubles at Home and Abroad
GeographyCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1 – Tectonic Landscapes
Term 2 – Environmental Issues
Term 3 – Skills
PECurriculum Implementation Plan – Core
Knowledge Organiser – Core
Curriculum Implementation Plan – BTEC
Road Map – BTEC
Knowledge Organisers- BTEC
Component 1 LOA – Participation
Component 1 LOB – Technology
Component 1 LOC – Warmup
Component 2
RECurriculum Implementation Plan
Road Map
Knowledge Organisers – GCSE
1. Human Relationships
2. Religion and Life
3. Peace and Conflict
4. Crime and Punishment
D&T – GraphicsCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
D&T – TextilesCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
D&T – FoodCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organiser
D&T – Resistant MaterialsCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers:
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
French Curriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Theme 1: Technology in everyday life
Theme 1- Me, my family and friends
Theme 1 – Customs and Celebrations
Theme 2- Social and Global Issues
Theme 2- Local Area
Theme 2- Travel and Tourism
Theme 3- World of Work
Theme 3- Current and future studies
German Curriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Theme 1 – Section A
Theme 1 – Section B
Theme 1 – Section C
Theme 1 – Section D
Theme 2 – Section A
Theme 2 – Sections B and C
Theme 2 – Section D
Theme 3 – Sections A, B and C
Theme 3 – Section D
Art and Photography Curriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organiser
Knowledge Organiser- Photography
PSHECurriculum Implementation Plan
DramaCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Autumn – Term 1
Spring – Term 2
Summer – Term 3 (1)
Summer – Term 3 (2)
MusicCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Autumn – Term 1
Spring – Term 2
Computer ScienceCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organiser – Computer Science Unit 1
Knowledge Organiser – Computer Science Unit 2
Curriculum Implementation Plan – ICT
Knowledge Organiser – ICT
BusinessCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organiser
SociologyCurriculum Implementation Plan
Knowledge Organisers
Social Stratification

Please click here for more information about Year 6 Transition